Defining the tool that will revolutionise the maritime industry
Shipnet is the power behind the shipping industry, providing businesses with a suite of tools which allows them to manage fleet operations. Their latest project is their most ambitious yet: an AI-powered digital twin which uses all the historical touchpoints of a fleet to supercharge processes. Bray St. was enlisted to create the brand and name for the new product.

Building the perfect name based on the crucial features of the software
After an in-depth series of interviews with the client to crack the code of the new project, the Bray St. team developed options for naming based on Norwegian phrases, maritime terminology and tech brand names through a creative workshop exercise. After crafting three option names (down from a list of dozens!) and presenting them to Shipnet for internal buy-in, we landed on one that represented Shipnet’s drive, the literal shape of a propeller and the idea of tapping into a fleets’ DNA: Helix.

Helix was born and needed a value proposition that showed how revolutionary it was
Condensing the complexity of Helix into one line was a difficult task, and one that required simplicity to easily articulate and generate excitement amongst the target audience. We needed something that showed Helix is a totally new innovation for the maritime industry, a revolution that could win hearts and minds with the simplest way of explaining Helix’s core proposition. This led us to the phrase: Uncover the insights hidden in your shipping business’s DNA.

Designing an industry-defining identity
Helix had a name and a message, and next came the crucial product identity. Taking colours that complimented the existing Shipnet palette, our design specialists created options for a Helix graphic that combined the visual aesthetic of the two elements that led us to the name: the propeller and the DNA helix. To compliment the logo, we developed a brand system that gives Helix life wherever it needs to sit – from social media, to real-world marketing and even a bespoke, flagship microsite.

A microsite and video launch propelled Helix into the maritime industry
Working to a tight deadline to launch at the Posidonia shipping exhibition, and knowing that Shipnet were using our content to craft keynote speeches, the launch microsite for Helix was intensely important. The Helix microsite needed to generate interest for the Beta version of the product, breaking down the key messaging and creating the initial buzz.
The Shipnet team were so passionate about the project we felt a video explainer as told by the people who built Helix was crucial to getting the ideas across, which we created remotely through our incredible network of experts.

A partnership for the future
Bray St. and Shipnet have been partners since 2020, and we're truly excited to be a part of the Helix journey, providing the business with a go-to-market strategy and setting it up for success across key product milestones.

John Wills
Director of Customer Experience, Shipnet